
My goal is to provide photographic services to enhance the communication of your research and conservation efforts. I capture unique moments that reveal an animal’s essence, in order for the viewer to become connected in a tangible way. I aim to focus my images on the animal’s behavior, personality, habitat, and natural history — through persistence and patience to find captivating perspectives and sometimes humor that pulls an audience into the animal’s world. Through my images I strive to emotionally connect the viewer and bring an awareness and desire to protect that species and its ecosystem, engaging people that are unaware of the issues and leading them to resources on how they can help.
I approach the opportunity to make each photograph with the animal’s welfare foremost in mind, and an ethical awareness and cultural sensitivity to the animals and local people.
Contact me if you have questions about my images of species, behaviors or habitats or you’d like to discuss having me make images of your research species, anywhere in the world.
Select List of Past Clients
- American Society of Primatologists
- American Journal of Primatology
- Biolog
- Biologists without Borders
- Dr. Cortni Borgerson
- California Air Resources Board
- Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, Royal University of Phnom Penh
- Dr. T.H. Clutton-Brock, University of Cambridge
- DAI, Global Development
- Elsevier
- Foundation for Biomedical Research
- Green Heritage Fund Suriname, sloth conservation
- Dr. Katie Hinde, Arizona State University
- Dr. Lynne Isbell, University of California, Davis
- IUCN Primate Specialist Group
- Lemur Conservation Network
- Journal of African Primates
- Journal of Madagascar Conservation and Development
- Journal of Medical Primatology
- Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, Calif
- MD Anderson, National Center for Chimpanzee Care
- One Health PREDICT, UC Davis
- Sahaya International
- Science, Translational Medicine
- SEED Madagascar
- Simons Foundation: Autism Research Initiative
- UC Davis Magazine
- University of California, Davis Hummingbird Conservation and Education
- UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
- Women Biological Anthropologists
Artistic images help to raise the profile of your research and may increase the likelihood of appearing on the cover of high-impact journals.